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Better late than never...

It was a spectacular sunset with vaulted gold, magenta and vermilion streaks arcing across the skies, most of which, unfortunately, I experienced through the windscreen of a gridlocked vehicle. On my way from Chichester to Felpham I became wedged in a monster bumper to bumper traffic jam that stretched all the way from the bus station railway gates, through Stockbridge and along the A27 (you know the sort of thing, I’m sure). It took over half an hour to escape Chichester’s city limits and by the time I arrived at Aldwick Bay the display of twilight colours was in its final moments. I managed to acquire a few keepers and this is my favourite - shot at minimum low tide about thirty minutes after sundown.

Aldwick Rocks

Nikon D810, 14-24mm f2.8 Nikkor at 18mm, 20 seconds, f11, ISO 64, tripod

18.52, 18th October 2016

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