OPOTY 2015 update
That's it then. I'm actually in the book... The Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2015 book. With this one: Above image: "Conclusion"...

Anoraks at dawn
With due respect to those further up north who are already well stuck into it... Winter is very late to the party round here. Left: Pale...

Interesting shot - who's it for?
It's not such an odd question when you consider the superfluity of potential viewers and the disparity of individual points of view....

Light, camera, action; seize the moment
See the light, grab your camera, get into action... It's a palindromic phrase (I just made that up - but it works like a palindrome......

Small hours, big skies, deserted places
As I've grown older, I've become addicted to early morning starts; slurping my coffee at 4AM; driving on abandoned roads to unfamiliar...

Finding and developing a personal style...
...Is something that you hear from pros and read in photography magazines all the time. So, just how do you go about it? Nailing your...